My film "I Am a Motif"(2020) has been selected for the International Competition of Dunhuang Animation Festival, and "Be Gone"(2022) will be screened at the ZhongmuRen Project | Animation Music Video Program in this festival too. The festival will take place in the desert surroundings of Dunhuang from April 29 to May 3.
《我是一个模契符》入选了敦煌动画周的国际竞赛单元。《Be Gone》则将在同动画周的纵目人计划|动画MV展映单元中放映。敦煌动画周将会在敦煌市区以及雅丹地质公园中举办,我会去现场参加~~~
すべて表示“Be Gone” has been selected for the Berlin NewGen Film Festival 2024 and has won the International Curator's Choice Award. Thank you!
今週土曜は浅草の新しくオープンするスペースの ウォームアップパーティー でVJする! 友達の最近亡くなった猫ちゃんとネズミちゃんを記念する内容も用意する。一緒に踊って送別しよう。
《点一个汉堡》获得了VITA SHORTS的年度惊喜短片奖! “Burger Order” has won the VITA SHORTS Surprise Short Film Award!