"I Am a Motif" was selected for the Mosaic World Film Festival in the USA. Films will be screened on the big screen in a theater. Date & place: September 17th, 18th, and 19th 2021 at The Nordlof Center in Rockford, IL.
Two of my works, "I Am a Motif" and "Time Autobahn", were selected for the "Kinetic Thinking" program of The Non-syntax Experimental Image Festival which will be held at the CALM & PUNK GALLERY in Tokyo. Date of the festival: June 25th~27th.
『私はモチーフ』と『Time Autobahn』の二つの作品が、東京のCALM & PUNK GALLERYで開催するThe Non-syntax Experimental Image Festivalに上映されます。「動的思考」ユニットに入っています。開催日程:2021年6月25日ー6月27日。
"I Am a Motif" was selected for the "Video Art Zone" program of the 9th International Video Poetry Festival in Athens. The film will be screened online from June 6 to 30.